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The Three Key Attributes of Innovation Leaders

There are three key attributes that innovation leaders know and practice. They are Access, Action, and Authenticity. 1. Access When it comes to team engagement, providing access goes far beyond the so-called open-door policy. Having an “open door” means your...

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Innovation Leaders Make the Connection

Many economists say that because of the Internet and global digital communications, we live in a “connected economy.” Although it’s true that we have more fibers of digital connectivity than ever before in human history, sociologists argue the opposite – that in fact...

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Inspiring Leadership Promotes Innovation

To stay ahead of the innovation curve, as a leader it’s imperative that you give your employees and stakeholders a reason to get up in the morning, come to work, and dedicate themselves to quality, innovation, and total customer satisfaction. It’s not the same thing...

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Successful Innovators Seek Truth

Today’s winning innovation leaders know the first step towards leveraging disruption is to recognize the world as it really is and not as they’d like it to be. They know that wishful thinking will put them on the road to disaster. I once had the tremendous honor of...

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Be Brave and Lean Into Disruption

Disruptive leaders are brave. Their bravery is revealed by their absolute willingness to lean into their own executive development by accepting and even driving the changes occurring both with in their organization and outside in the markets and economies they serve....

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A New Age Demands New Leadership Skills

In a time that requires leaders to be one step ahead of disruption, the old management systems no longer apply. Every leader needs to know how fast-moving disruptors are changing what’s required from organizational management and leadership. Organizations need to...

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Know the Five Faces of Innovation Disruption

As with any concept, to understand disruption, and its power to either help you or damage you, it helps to break it down into manageable chunks. In the business marketplace, we see disruption emerging as an increasingly powerful force in five key areas: Increased...

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Your Frenemy, Disruption

“Disruption.” It’s word you hear everywhere these days. What does it really mean? Good question. To find an answer, begin with a dictionary definition. Here’s one: Disruption is a “radical change in an industry or business strategy, especially involving the...

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Innovation Leaders Stay One Step Ahead

People often say that in today’s business environment where innovation is accelerating, competing in business is like running a race. True. In a race and in business, there are winners and losers. Actually, to be more precise, in every race there’s exactly one winner...

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4 Emerging Human Resource Innovations

In human resources, three key performance drivers are efficiency, productivity, and employee engagement. Here are four innovations that boost all three: Interviewing via video. It’s more common than ever for an employee to reside in a different state, or even country,...

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The Growing Impact of Supply Chain Innovation

What does it mean to innovate? Innovation often conjures up visions of incredible new inventions, breakthrough technologies, and mind-blowing devices that change the world as we know it. There’s certainly nothing wrong with incredible new inventions, but inventing...

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Leaders and Managers Should Both Drive Innovation

What’s the difference between a manager and a leader? It’s a long-running subject of discussion. There are many differences, but one of the most important is that managers are paid to take the short-range view, while leaders—especially those focused on innovation—are...

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Humility + Inner Strength = Sustained Innovation

You’ve probably heard of “Level 5 Leadership.” The concept was created by business consultant Jim Collins, who first described it in a 2001 Harvard Business Review article and then published it in his best selling book, Good to Great. It emerged during a study that...

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Innovation Leadership Key #4: Take Responsibility

Nothing—I repeat, nothing—destroys employee morale more quickly than an innovation leader who ducks personal responsibility when things don’t work out. On the flip side, nothing builds employee morale more effectively than when they see a leader who takes ownership of...

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Innovation Leadership Key #3: Show Empathy

Empathy is the ability to experience and relate to the thoughts, emotions, or experience of others. Empathy is one step beyond sympathy, which is being able to understand and support others with compassion or sensitivity. It means being willing to put someone else’s...

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Innovation Leadership Requires Market Focus

Your organization—including you, your employees, and your stakeholders—exists in a marketplace that provides both opportunities and threats. The opportunities come in the form of your existing customers, new markets for your goods or services, and sources for your...

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Innovation Leadership Requires Personal Focus

As an innovation leader staying ahead of the pack, you need to focus on your own performance and the goals you have set for yourself. Inward focus means thinking clearly, coming up with your own solutions, and taking action without distracting interruptions or outside...

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Innovation Leadership Key #1: Be Professional

Every day, it seems we hear an expression like this: “He’s a real pro,” or “We only employ people who are true professionals,” or “We need to be more professional in our business.” Let’s take a closer look at what this means for the innovation leader. Being...

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