Self-Assessment Tests for Innovation Leaders

These days, there’s an online test for nearly every facet of human behavior, and your skill as an inovation leader is no exception. These tests all have a similar structure. First, they ask you a series of multiple-choice questions designed to reveal various facets of...

360 Reviews Need to Be Put into Context

When managers or innovation leaders need to receive a 360 review, the organization may hire external consultants to administer the surveys. The consultants then analyze and share the data with the leader, and in some cases with the managers and staff. Ideally, the...

Innovation Leadership Assessment: The 360 Review

The question every innovation leader should grapple with is, “How am I doing?” Sure, you’ve got key performance metrics like revenues and market share that you can use and are also used by analysts and investors to judge your performance. And of course the one metric...

Insight: How to See Yourself as Others Do

Imagine, if you will, that you’re getting ready for a significant social or business event to be held in the evening. Perhaps it’s an award program or the capstone event at a conference. You’re the guest of honor, and all eyes will be upon you. You need to be...

Innovation Killer #10: Preening

The preening boss loves the trappings of power and prestige. He or she wants the biggest office, the most luxurious limousine, the newest private jet, the most expensive paintings on the wall. Such bosses justify their behavior by asserting that their display is...